Saturday, October 1, 2011

True luv...what a croaker... what got me started off on this one? well, one of my friends was telling another one of my friends that they would find true love. I mean I wish him all the best too but mann...tru luv? To me it is more like a curse. A curse that I might possibly welcome be it laid on me. But when I am not bedazzled by it, a curse nevertheless.

Tell me, what else would provoke us (and I don't mean just women here) to do the most crazy things possible? I mean, imagine someone who'd wake up at 5 in the morning to write his girl friend an SMS, so that when she got up at 6....that would be the first thing she saw. Imagine doing this for a couple of years when they were together and for a few months even after she told him that she had met someone else. Or a woman who'd cook and clean for her boyfriend and two of his room mates while she was not even living with him?

Ok why examples...I've done pretty crazy stuff myself. But in my case, I will also plead that I will do the same crazy stuff(may be not to the weird extent) for all the loved ones in my life too...but then I am a little wacky and not a good example to take.

But coming back to the point...why would you want to have true love. Is it not enough to have people you love in your life. I guess we allude to those special moments between a couple that we miss sometimes when we do not have the "one". But believe me when I tell you, those moments pass. In actuality, when i remind myself of the horror of commitment, the moments pass faster.

I have people who tell me that I will understand as I grow older and I am alone. My thought? Do they actually think that having someone with me is going to make me "love" growing older. I shudder at the thought everyday that someone might end up being witness of my doddering wackiness when i am truly ancient. I'd rather that I have no witness (that I know intimately) when I loose bowel control...or end up with alzheimers.

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